Friday, February 22, 2008

And… I Failed

I used to hate failure and to be driven by my fear of it. Just a little while ago, I discovered that life has different measures for what I considered success, and of course for what I believed was a failure. I’ve been trying to avoid what I thought was a failure and to stay away from whatever leads to it to find myself finally face to face with it… I forgave myself many times and gave it other opportunities to reach the success I was heading with me, but it seemed that it started understanding and using life’s measures and definitions a while before I realized them. I kept trying patiently and persistently, and I stood up after many fall downs and collapses till I concluded this very simple rule… Failure is one of things we all have in common and success is the failure everyone accepts with happiness. And… I Failed.

Mena Mostafa


hOSAM said...

so you are happy about it. As for me, i will NOT fail

...just kidding :D

Ahmed Kamal said...

It’s courage to accept the defeat. And the harder you fall, the higher you bounce! Check your ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm. Only this will tell you if you are ready for the next success.

Colourless_Turtle said...

Ana 3agbany el Quote elly ta7t e Pic (A)

The Voluntary Prison

Image Credit Earlier I was trapped . But now, I chose it, I chose The Voluntary Prison , it became an integral part of me. I can’t leave it ...