Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Closed Page

Usually, when you read a book, you turn a page to read the next one. Sometimes, you may skip some pages to reach a specific page, then you might go back to the former to continue reading the normal sequence of events. This time, when I turned the page, I wasn’t sure I was ready to read the next one. For the first time in my life turning a page was so hard on me, and wasn’t an easy act to make, although it used to be very simple before. This page was really heavy, it almost weighted as much as the entire book… Yes, one page was worth the whole book… One page had it all… Between the lines, there were many hidden lines with deeper meanings… This page was filled with lines that can only be read with closed eyes… It needed profound thinking. Actually, I wasn’t sure whether I was reading or writing! This time… pages kept being turned one after another, it seemed that the previous page was closed, maybe forever; I really can’t turn it back… It is The Closed Page now… The next page is empty, or maybe it is me who still can’t read it!

Mena Mostafa

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If I were in your place, I would change the whole book then :)


I feel trapped and lonely. Lonely inside myself, like it’s never ending. I know that nothing is forever lasting, this gives hope to my mind...