Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Green Heads

“Hi!” a light blue square popped up at the bottom of my screen… a cold small square with a word or two. Clicked the small square to start exchanging other icy words with a larger blue square.
People became images in the corner of the large blue square… feelings turned into dummy smilies drawn on the squares. Tens of squares open… hundreds of words exchanged… and millions of feelings lost… and lost their meanings… lost their warmth. Distances were shortened and… gaps became deeper... humanity was digitized.
All screens are the same and… you are nothing more than a large blue square on my screen… you are nothing more than one of the Green Heads in my contact list.

Mena Mostafa


hOSAM said...

LOL, lucky you. Most of my contacts are grey these days. There was a good time when all were green!

Unknown said...

Wow!! I my self became grey :D ...
Well, because i felt soooo boring from exchanging words that may be not felt ... i felt that my voice has gone away and i am talking to a screen all the time ...
When i read the subject of this blog i thought you will talk about aliens :D :D :D ... but it's soo funny the relation between Green Heads and the MSN

Fady Sedrak said...

Well, It is hard for me to read your description about blue square and green circles ... May be humanity is dying ... Or may be that is the way of keeping humanity from dying ... Sometimes it is the only way of keeping in touch with the ones we care about.

I am very sad :( :( :( ... can't you feel it? I drew the double dots and the bracket ... can't you feel it?

I used to say "I think therefore I exists" ... nowadays "I am green therefore I exists" .. may be you are right .. may be it is not right way to live our life ... we should leave the 2D world .. leave the blue 2D square and go to the next dimension .. where the world isn't flat anymore.

Ahmed Kamal said...

I agree with you. We have a big problem with communication. We have many communication channels, but we are unable to communicate.

You might face the same problem in your face to face communication. When was the last time you discussed something that really concern one of your family members? When was the last time you had a warm discussion with a colleague?

Sometimes you have all the contact information of somebody. You know his home and work addresses. And you have a list of telephone numbers in work, home and mobile. Even you see his green head in dozens of messengers and networking sites. But you are unable to contact him. You are unable to feel him.

They say the world became a small village. Sometimes I feel each one of us is living in his own small village.

Mena M. Eissa said...

I prefer to say that each of us is living in his own "Planet Inside" and looking ouside became a heavy load on all of us even if it is just a few words to say over the phone or in a small face to face conversation.

Ayat Elshami said...

mmm... well,think of people you know who have no green-heads application. When have you last talked to them? At least we can still communicate, even if all oure heads turn green :)

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