Friday, October 12, 2007


The door opened… A sudden light blurred my sight… I think it is my turn… I’ve been here for three days now… A nice small, but firm, hand grabbed me into a new transportation means… I was put in… a plate … I took a nice shower… Then I suddenly noticed that there were many little reds like me; just like the ones who were accompanying me in the cold dark room I just left. They were all waiting silently for their turn in the queue. Some of them were meant to be soup, some to be sauce or ketchup, some to participate in different types of salads. We were all giving up, as we knew that this is our destiny… Although we are very friendly and that we share in many kinds of cooking, our lives were meant to end in minutes, we were to be slaughtered shortly. I am not sure yet what I am meant for, I am a Tomato like any other, a knife is app… approa…

Moral, tomatoes should be respected as they offer their lives to give taste to other types of foods!

I sometimes wonder if I am a Tomato and I am not conscious!!

Mena Mostafa


Fady Sedrak said...

Tomatoes know their purpose in life ... They give a taste to food then disappear into the main dish .. It can't be seen but you know it is there .. sometimes times you can't eat without it .. All people need it .. no one appreciates it .. when reaches our destination we forget to appreciate the journey ... Are you a tomato?

by the way, I am not a tomato. I don't like to be one. If I am a tomato I hope I would taste bad, so that no one would like to eat me. I don't like it when people eat me :D

hOSAM said...

Extremely delicious post. And here's another one who eats tomatoes for breakfast :D. I know that is OK with them :D, so I'll never stop, even if that'd make me an evil tomato.

Nahla said...

I think we are all Tomatoes :) We all (should) work for a greater cause, if I might put it that way. We, individually, are not very important. What's important is what we do. And to acheive something, we must work as a group (just like salad ;)).

Unknown said...

My dear Mennah,
It's a very sad thing not to think while Allah gave us our mind... It's a very sad thing not to know the purpose of why Allah created us and why Allah created everything around us each with its different and unique purpose I wonder why especially tomatoes, why didn't you ask the question about Lions or donkeys or even water drops...we as humans should think and think wisely and should know that we are special creatures than any other creature and we should be grateful that we have these special characteristics that we should use
My dear Mennah, If I was such a Tomato I should be grateful that I was used while I was healthy to give other a good taste and many vitamins and useful things for their bodies ... I definitely won't choose to stay on the tree till I'm rotten and sick and fall in a very sad way from a tree in a condition everyone is afraid to touch me because of my bad smell and un usefulness and may be my end is under someone's shoe in a very sad and disgusting way

Ahmed Kamal said...

If you think about it, it’s pleasant to be red, round, delicious and useful all in one! Some of us are gingers, and some others are watermelons. Some are honey and some are peppers. Some like what they are and some others don’t. But it’s always good to be a tomato :)

The Voluntary Prison

Image Credit Earlier I was trapped . But now, I chose it, I chose The Voluntary Prison , it became an integral part of me. I can’t leave it ...