“Smile… Tomorrow will be worse!”, clipped from Murphy's laws.
Some of the memories just started coming back to my mind… This was a time ago, a year, two, three, or maybe ten years ago… the number doesn’t matter, it doesn’t make a difference… it is not the main point… Anyways, I remembered, and by the way remembering is a very exhausting operation on my brain, I remembered that I was sitting, standing, chatting, talking on the phone, eating, sleeping, crying and laughing… I remembered that I gained something, lost another, learned new stuff and helped someone… New babies were born, old people died, new friends came and old ones left… It is a chain of some repeated events, some make me content, others make me not… This was yesterday, last month, or A Year Ago… What about the same time tomorrow, the day after, or next year… Where will I be? What will I do? How will I feel?
Some of the memories just started coming back to my mind… This was a time ago, a year, two, three, or maybe ten years ago… the number doesn’t matter, it doesn’t make a difference… it is not the main point… Anyways, I remembered, and by the way remembering is a very exhausting operation on my brain, I remembered that I was sitting, standing, chatting, talking on the phone, eating, sleeping, crying and laughing… I remembered that I gained something, lost another, learned new stuff and helped someone… New babies were born, old people died, new friends came and old ones left… It is a chain of some repeated events, some make me content, others make me not… This was yesterday, last month, or A Year Ago… What about the same time tomorrow, the day after, or next year… Where will I be? What will I do? How will I feel?
Mena Mostafa