Friday, October 12, 2007

Who Are We?

“The fear of being deceived is the vulgar version of the quest for Truth”, Emile M. Cioran.
Why do we disguise with words? Why do we say things we don’t really mean? Why do we enjoy fooling others? Why do we say things and act contrarily? Can we be categorized into two types? Black and White? Talkers and Listeners? Deceivers and Believers? Why are bad intentions cloaked with good ones? Why is it difficult to respect the White in the world of Black? Why do Listeners get tricked by Talkers? Why are Believers betrayed by Deceivers? Why aren’t we whom we really are? Why should the truth be covered? Why should reality be denied? Why should we wonder about our identity? Why should we always question… Who are you...? Who am I...? Who Are We?

Mena Mostafa


Fady Sedrak said...

White .. Black .. Good .. Bad .. Questions .. questions .. questions .. maybe the answer yours question is the purpose of life. Is there a purpose for life? Is there a meaning? or at least for me?
maybe the purpose of life is a life of purpose ... is it a paraodx? ... at the end remember that life is good without we all would be dead.

By the way, The answer to life is 42 ;) .. maybe this answer is poor .. maybe if we know the question that answer would make much sense ... If you don't beleive it, ask google, type 42 and click I'm feeling lucky .. :D

Unknown said...

My Dear Mennah,
You are asking a difficult question, may be the most difficult one of all ... Its us the humans who have such a strange and in the same time the most familiar mix of all ... It's us the liars and the ones who say the truth ... It's us sometimes the good guys and in some other times the bad ones ...whatever action we do or whatever words we say its just a simple reflection of what is happening inside us...
I agree that we should understand ourselves good and analyze actions we take but in the same time may be if we understand what happens around us and what the idea behind it, may be we can be a way different characters than we are now ... I think we should accept everything around and believe deep inside that even the worst people may have good qualities and the good ones have the worst and the most shocking things inside ... We always should TRY to take the road that we are told to take and suits us may be then we may know who we really deserve to be:) ...

Ahmed Kamal said...

The answer to the why questions is simply: that’s us. That’s the way human works! We are made of mixture of materials. We are the most complex thing ever existed, and you wonder about who we are. This reminds me of the real story about a philosopher was strolling along a street seeking the answers to questions that bothered him. Suddenly he decided to sit and look at the flowers. One of the residents of the neighborhood noticed his strange behavior and called the police. Minutes later, an officer approached him and asked: “Who are you?” He looked the policeman up and down and said: “If you can help me find the answer to that question, I will be eternally grateful to you.”

The Voluntary Prison

Image Credit Earlier I was trapped . But now, I chose it, I chose The Voluntary Prison , it became an integral part of me. I can’t leave it ...